Learn about the History of Maldives National Skills Development Authority
and learn more about our madates and our Goals here.

Our Story

During the ESTP implementation phase (2007-2010), the TVET division was integrated in the Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports (MHRYS). In 2011, this division became Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET Authority) in the Ministry of Education. Established by the President’s office, TVETA has the overall responsibility for the development and management of a comprehensive, demand oriented and partnership based TVET system. In 2021, under Higher Education and Training Act 7/2021, Maldives National Skills Development Authoity (MNSDA) was created and all the Services provided by TVETA was transferred under the jurisdiction of MNSDA.

The world of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is unique in the field of education in the Maldives. TVET prepares learners for employment and then helps them to continue their education part time. The tradition of education is to fill the first 22 years of life with learning designed around growth and maturation. TVET is based on young people mastering skills and the concepts behind those skills, over a working lifetime to get a first job and then remain employable as technology and society change.

Our Values

Our Vision
MNSDA to be the leading partner in the development of the Maldivian skilled workforce with world class competence and positive work values​
Our Mission
MNSDA provides Technical and Vocational Education and Training Services to meet labour market demands, industrial/commercial stakeholders training requirements and personal development needs.
Our Goal and Value Statement
MNSDA is to ensure that young people can find and follow satisfying careers in an economy that has a continuing supply of new workers with skills and attitude required by industry and business.

Our Mandate

In 2021, under Higher Education and Training Act 7/2021, Maldives National Skills Development Authority was created and the Services Offered by TVET Authority was transferred to Maldives National Skills Development Authority (MNSDA).

Establishment of TVET System in the Maldives

To establish and formalize a mechanism under the TVET system to focus technical education and skills development on meeting the changing demands for a skill workforce

Establishment of Trade Testing in the Maldives

To establish a trade testing mechanism whereby employees in an occupation which is officially recognized as craft or artisan in nature would be recognized from the TVET system.

Establishment of Apprenticeship System in the Maldives

To establish an Apprenticeship system in Maldives, whereby integrate necessary policies and procedures

Promote the Quality Vocational Education in the Maldives

Promote and strengthen the quality of technical education and skills development programs to attain Maldives Qualification Authority (MQA) accredited National Certificate. TVETA would prepare Occupational Competency Standards, Monitor and evaluate different technical and vocational training conducted by training providers and also recognize and encourage the complementary roles of public and private institutions in technical education and skills development

Senior Staff

Team Member

Dr Zahra Mohamed

Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

Team Member

Shakeeba Ali

Director General

Team Member

Ubaidulla Muaz

Senior Political Director

Team Member

Thahmeena Abdul Kareem

Director, Corporate Services Section

Team Member

Mariyam Nizama

Director, Standard and Quality Assuarance Section

Contact Us

Reception and General inquiries

Phone number

Standard Development and Statisitcs

Phone number

Registration and Certification

Phone number


Phone number


Phone number

Human Resource Services

Phone number

Information Officer

Fathimath Haula

Phone number

Our Location

Maldives National Skills Development Authority Authority

5th Floor, Umar Zahir Building,

Orchid Maa Hingun,


Republic of Maldives