Our Story
During the ESTP implementation phase (2007-2010), the TVET division was integrated in the Ministry of Human Resources, Youth and Sports (MHRYS). In 2011, this division became Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVET Authority) in the Ministry of Education. Established by the President’s office, TVETA has the overall responsibility for the development and management of a comprehensive, demand oriented and partnership based TVET system. In 2021, under Higher Education and Training Act 7/2021, Maldives National Skills Development Authoity (MNSDA) was created and all the Services provided by TVETA was transferred under the jurisdiction of MNSDA.
The world of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) is unique in the field of education in the Maldives. TVET prepares learners for employment and then helps them to continue their education part time. The tradition of education is to fill the first 22 years of life with learning designed around growth and maturation. TVET is based on young people mastering skills and the concepts behind those skills, over a working lifetime to get a first job and then remain employable as technology and society change.