NEWSROOMPhotography and Cashier Training Launched

Ministry of Economic Development, in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, held a ceremony at Dharubaaruge on 25 April 2016, to launch training of photographers and cashiers. The initiative is another step forward in a string of high-level national programs conducted by the government to strengthen skills development in the country in order to train as many people as possible, especially young, who are job-ready.

A key item of the ceremony was signing a memorandum of understanding (MoU) between the Ministry of Economic Development and the Ministry of Education to conduct these training. The MoU was signed by Minister of Economic Development Hon Mohamed Saeed and Minister of Education Hon Dr. Aishath Shiham on behalf of respective ministries.

Both ministers delivered speeches providing some key information about the program. Minister of Education Dr. Aishath Shiham pointed out that training of photographers and cashiers is interesting for many youths and that it will provide more job opportunities for them. Minister of Economic Development Mohamed Saeed also expressed his optimism about job prospects for photographers once they complete these courses. It is worth mentioning that the government has changed the relevant regulations making jobs of photographers and cashiers exclusively reserved for Maldivians.

As other vocational courses, the training of photographers and cashiers will be delivered by Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Authority. It will be conducted in collaboration with the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Economic Development (MoD). Cameras needed for students of photography courses will be provided by MoD on flexible terms of re-payment of the price. Two courses are offered for training within this program: National Certificate 3 with a duration of 4 months and National Certificate 4 with a duration of 1 academic year or 8 months.